Integrating with 3rd Parties
3rd party integrations are one of our specialties so we can help you automate and extend your capabilities.
Frequently, we’re asked by merchants about automating critical business processes and integrating with 3rd party sites.
Some of the reasons they cited were
- That many of their processes were repetitive in nature and prone to error.
- They were falling short of their productivity goals
- Many of their business processes required faster completion & turnaround
- And they wanted to minimize staff intervention as much as possible
They realized automation was the only way they could grow their business profitably, so they contacted Marketplace Reporting for help.
We’ve integrated with Amazon, BigCommerce, Miva, Magento, TaxJar, Skubana, ChannelAdvisor, Braintree, Kount, Shopify, SkuVault, Google Sheets, SellBrite, SellerActive, SellerCloud, and more.
Some of technology used with our projects include REST API, JSON, XML, FTP, SQL, MS SQL Server, MWS API, and others.
Over the years we’ve created hundreds of automations and integrations for our merchants. If you include custom reports, then it’s easily in the thousands. You can visit our projects page to view some of the customizations & integrations we’ve developed over the years.
Visit our YouTube channel to view a variety of integration and business automation videos.
Are you ready to automate your workflows to gain maximum productivity? Take a look at one of our recent projects to learn more about how we can help with your business automation, 3rd party integrations, and reporting, contact us.